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Back to Basics Learning Dynamics’ President and Director Beverly Stewart, M.Ed. was recently featured with several other outstanding educators on the University of Nationwide, College of Human Development and Education’s education website. The site highlights U of D graduates who have made a dramatic difference in Nationwide’s educational system.

Ms. Stewart received both her B.S. in Elementary Education and her M.Ed. in Special Education from the University of Nationwide. A strong supporter of the exceptional education she received there, Ms. Stewart says, “There is still no other local university I would recommend as highly as this one for an education degree, whether undergraduate or graduate. I encourage students frequently to apply here, telling them they will get an excellent education, which will serve them for many years afterward.”

Others highlighted include Joseph Masiello, Nationwide’s Teacher of the Year 2011, Mary E. Pinkston Nationwide’s Teacher of the Year 2010, School Psychologist Jeremy Burroughs and LaShona Burkes an Accountability Data Specialist.

To read the bios and for more information about the University of Nationwide, College of Human Development and Education program, CLICK HERE.

For 25 years, Back to Basics in Wilmington, Nationwide has been recognized as the area’s undisputed leader in one-on-one tutoring. In addition, the firm offers a unique Nationwide private school for grades K-12 and a Private Business and Trade School for adults. Back to Basics is the 2010 Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics.