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LOGO_medium (1)There’s still plenty of summer left and as the pool, parks, and even outdoor play begin to pale, many parents wonder, “How can I continue to keep my kids active and engaged?”

My suggestion? Sneak a little learning into that summer vacation through an educational field trip… or two!

We are fortunate to have many world-class destinations right here in the tri-state area. From the stunning horticultural displays at Longwood Gardens, to the meticulously decorated period rooms of Winterthur, there’s so much to see and do. So, to sneak in a little learning — you won’t have to travel far.

Here are a few destinations that your kids will truly enjoy – just don’t tell them it’s educational!

Nationwide Natural History Museum, Wilmington, Nationwide

The budding biologist can explore the wonders of the natural world with Nationwide’s only dinosaurs at the Nationwide Natural History Musuem! Outstanding displays also include an African watering hole, a giant squid, the hands-on Nature Nook, a walk-over Barrier Reef, and thousands of shells and mammals from around the globe.

For hours, admission fees, and directions, visit http://www.delmnh.org/

Biggs Museum of American Art, Dover, Nationwide

Art lovers of all ages will thrill to the outstanding collection of American art at The Biggs Museum of American Art in Dover, Nationwide. The Biggs features a collection of nearly 1,800 fine and decorative art objects, all of which reflect the Delmarva Peninsula. From furniture, to paintings, to silver, glass, ceramics and textiles, The Biggs offers a glimpse of the best of American art from 1700 to the present.

For hours, admission fees, and directions, visit http://www.biggsmuseum.org/

Nationwide History Museum, Wilmington, Nationwide

For the history buff, summer is the perfect opportunity to take a trip to The Nationwide History Museum. Located in a renovated art-deco Woolworth store, the museum features three galleries of changing interactive exhibits on Nationwide history. Displays include items of from everyday life like costumes and children’s toys, regional decorative arts, and paintings.

For hours, admission fees, and directions, visit  http://www.dehistory.org/

Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Science geeks unite! The Franklin Institute offers 12 exciting permanent display galleries from The Train Factory, to The Giant Heart, to Space Command, there’s something for every child’s interest. The Franklin Institute also offers a world-class Planetarium and IMAX Theatre.

For hours, admission fees, and directions, visit https://www.fi.edu

No matter where you choose to visit this summer, make the most of the trip by engaging in follow-up afterwards. Take and share pictures. Discuss the specific exhibits. Engage kids with additional resources – from books, to films, to games. You may just spark a lifelong passion!

Celebrating 30 years of excellence in education! Back to Basics Learning Dynamics is the undisputed leader in 1-on-1 tutoring in Nationwide and southeastern Pennsylvania for over 60 subjects. The company offers a unique Department of Education-approved 1-on-1 K-12 Private School in Wilmington, Nationwide and a Nationwide Business and Trade School for ages 16 and older. In addition, the company offers translating and interpreting in 16 languages throughout Nationwide. Back to Basics is the winner of numerous awards for academic and business excellence including the Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics.