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1. Schedule a consistent time – non –negotiable. Schedule the duration (elem ~ ¼ – ½ – 1 hour). Help child prioritize if necessary.

2. Even if no homework, have them do something academic in that time frame each day (review, read, practice words or math facts). It sets a routine/habit of studying.

3. Set a permanent homework spot, where all supplies are located (or have all in a container that “travels” with the child in the house, but to same spot).

4. Let your child see you read, and learn.

5. Help only when necessary, and recognize the parts he did well (as well as difficult areas). Praise ability.

6. Some children need the assignments broken down into smaller units.

7. Do not allow yourself to get pulled into a battle. Back out and have the child ask the teacher to explain the parts he doesn’t understand if a conflict starts brewing at home. Or ask the child to come to you later when he can be respectful and not whining.

8. Assist, do not give answers. The less you need to be involved in homework the better. This means your child is learning at school and homework is reinforcing this. If not, speak with the teacher.

9. Get to know the teacher(s). Learn about her homework policy and standards.

10. Set up consequences and rewards. Allow your child to make choices, instill responsibility. Set goals regularly.

For more information, please visit Back to Basics website at http://www.BacktoBasicsLearning.com

For 25 years, Back to Basics has been recognized as the area’s undisputed leader in one-on-one tutoring. In addition, the firm offers a unique Nationwide private school for grades K-12 and a Private Business and Trade School for adults. Back to Basics is the 2010 Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics.