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It’s obvious that we all benefit from reading. It is helpful in our personal and professional lives. When we read, we are exposed to the correct use of language and sentence structure, which in turn improves our communication skills. For children, however, reading goes a step further and becomes a powerful tool for them in three particular ways.

First of all, children who grow up reading and develop a love for it have a better chance of excelling in their studies and finding great jobs. Through reading, writng improves and intellectual skills sharpen, thereby providing a good foundation for academics and successful performance in the employment field.

The second benefit of reading for children is how much they can learn. Subject matter need not be limited so they can read about any topics. Sometimes the subject matter can flow over into discussions in other school subjects such as the sciences or history, thereby giving the student the advantage to actively participate. Reading fiction can expand a child’s mind to endless possibilities. And, although not real, ficticious situations can give a child insights as to how to handle similar events in his or her own life.

Finally, reading improves a child’s writing ability. People who are good speakers are not necessarily good writers. They lack the ability to use proper sentence structure and other skills when it comes to putting ideas to paper. But chances are, if someone is a good writer, they speak well also. By exposing children to proper use of language, they learn to master it subconsciously, which is shown to be the best way to learn anything, not just language.

Reading is very important and a good foundation at an early age is key. However, it’s never too late to learn or improve your reading skills. If someone you know needs reading assistance, don’t wait. Call Back to Basics or visit our website at www.backtobasicslearning.com. We help clients from pre-kindergarten to adults develop a love of reading for life.

For 25 years, Back to Basics has been recognized as the area’s undisputed leader in one-on-one tutoring. In addition, the firm offers a unique Nationwide private school for grades K-12 and a Private Business and Trade School for adults. Back to Basics is the 2010 Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics.