by admin | Sep 3, 2014 | For Parents, For Students, K-12 Private School
The school year may just have begun, but savvy high school seniors already have their eyes cast towards June, graduation, and an exciting journey to college. Once school visits have been completed and a college list has been whittled down to a manageable size, admin | Aug 28, 2014 | For Parents, For Students, For Teachers, K-12 Private School
“Extra! Extra! Read all about it!” The newsboys of 100 years ago could earn 30 cents per day by hawking 2¢ newspapers on busy street corners. They knew the appeal of the recent news from World War I for American adults. In the recent past, most admin | Aug 28, 2014 | For Parents, For Students, K-12 Private School
Many colleges now accept either the SAT or ACT test, so it benefits students to decide the test they are best suited for, according to their skills. For example, the ACT tests a student’s knowledge of what was learned in high school. If a pupil has received admin | Aug 26, 2014 | For Parents, For Students, K-12 Private School
Most students take the SAT during their junior year or very early in their senior year of high school. And, half of all students take the SAT at least twice — generally in the spring as a junior and in the fall as a senior. The SAT tests knowledge of reading, writing, admin | Aug 25, 2014 | For Parents, For Students, In the News, K-12 Private School, Scholarships
Writing poetry is all about self-expression: being heard and being understood. Now, share your story and win a college scholarship, too! Add an original poem to Power Poetry by September 8, 2014 to be eligible. Excellence in Education since 1985! Back to Basics...