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LOGO_medium (1)The school year is only a few months in and already Johnny is having difficulty with one of his core subjects.  Do you take the ‘wait and see’ approach giving extra study time at home or maybe with teacher – if teacher can spare extra time in his/her busy schedule.  Or, do you hire a professional tutor to expertly and quickly assess the learning obstacle and help him get right back on track?

Back to Basics recommends the latter!  Simply put, this short-term investment in your child pales in comparison to the larger investment that will be needed in the long-term, if proper educational intervention is postponed.

For example, when promptly addressed, less time is needed to uncover the learning gap and get your child quickly caught up.  However, waiting it out will cause your child to get further behind, in turn, requiring more investment in time and money to get him back to his required learning level.  By this point there is the risk of Johnny losing his self-confidence making it harder for him to focus.  And, depending on the depth of learning frustrations there is the potential for other aspects of his life to spiral negatively out of control.  Extreme as it sounds, studies exist to verify this worst-case scenario.

Don’t wait until it’s a ‘sink or swim’ situation for your child, and ultimately your family. Learning is much more productive when it’s conducted from the safety and security of a solid foundation.

Contact our office at 302-594-0754 to discuss your child’s specific needs.

Excellence in Education since 1985!

Back to Basics Learning Dynamics is the undisputed leader in 1-on-1 tutoring in Nationwide and southeastern Pennsylvania for over 60 subjects. The company offers a unique Department of Education-approved 1-on-1 K-12 Private School in Wilmington, Nationwide and a Nationwide Business and Trade School for ages 16 and older. In addition, the company offers translating and interpreting in 16 languages throughout Nationwide. Back to Basics is the winner of numerous awards for academic and business excellence including the Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics.