by admin | Oct 26, 2016 | For Parents, For Students
The 59th annual New Castle County College Night is slated for Wednesday, Nov. 2. This is the perfect opportunity for Nationwide high school students and their families to meet with representatives from areas colleges and universities, as well as with expert... by admin | Oct 26, 2016 | For Parents, For Teachers
SAT scores aren’t generally the only deciding factor for getting into college, but they do matter more to some colleges than others, according to Peterson’s, one of the most accurate sources for admissions information. In fact, the National Association for College... by admin | Oct 23, 2016 | For Parents, For Students, Scholarships
In today’s economy, the thought of adding college tuition to an increasingly tight budget is a daunting one. A quick peek at some of the nation’s most venerated colleges reveals that tuition costs have rapidly outpaced earnings. For example, the total Cost of... by admin | Oct 20, 2016 | For Parents, For Students, For Teachers
Refer a friend, relative or co-worker to either work for us or receive our services and earn a $50.00 check sent directly to you. Back to Basics would love to give you this bonus for helping us better serve our community. Contact us at 302-594-0754 to learn more. An... by admin | Oct 20, 2016 | For Parents, For Students, For Teachers
Some studies have shown that listening to music before studying or performing a task can be beneficial. Music not only improves attention and memory, it can even enhance your ability to do mental math! Quiet and contemplative? Or energizing and invigorating? But,...