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1-on-1 ttoring in Wilmington, Nationwide at Back to Basics Learning DynamicsWhen your child brings home a disappointing report card, take time to process all of the information before reacting. Knowing how to deal with a poor report card may require you to step back and look at things from a different perspective.
The following are some steps to achieve that end:
  1. Read the grading key: What looks to you like a poor grade may not be as bad as it seems. Pay particular attention to the narrative section to better understand any letter grades.
  2. Ask how grades are weighted: If more emphasis is put on tests and your child has a hard time taking tests, his grades may not reflect his true understanding of the subject.
  3. Praise the positive: Find something positive on the report card so your child knows you’re not just looking at the negative. ” For example, you could say, “This gives you something to strive for,” or “I noticed you got a ‘B’ in Math! That’s great!” Try to find at least one good thing to say to your child. Even if the entire report card is completely rotten, something like, “I know you’re trying your best,” can go a long way in making your child feel loved,” says Pam Myers of the Child Development Institute.
  4. Talk about the poor grades without losing your temper: Talk to him about your expectations and why he thinks he hasn’t met them in a calm manner.  Otherwise he may feel humiliated and ashamed rather than motivated to work harder.
  5. Listen to your child: Even though he has a million excuses, he may also have some insights. Maybe he’s distracted or embarrassed to ask for help. Maybe he’s tired from too many extracurricular activities.
  6. Come up with a game plan to improve the next report card: Help your child access the support he needs. “Set up an appointment to sit down with your child’s teacher about the areas your child is struggling. Find out what is behind the grade: is your child not handing in homework, is he having a hard time taking tests, is he not understanding concepts, is he having a hard time remembering facts? Once you determine where the problem is, you can work together to create strategies to help your child,” suggests Eileen Bailey of Health Central.

Back to Basics in Nationwide offers 1-on-1 tutoring help in over 60 subjects

Remember, a bad report card, while disappointing, is not the end of the world. There is still time to turn around the grades and help build your child’s self esteem, as well.To help, Back to Basics provide 1-on-1 tutoring in over 60 subjects. Tutoring is available 7 days a week. And, Back to Basics makes it easy for your family by working around your schedule. For more information, please call us at 302-594-0754.