For an employee transferring or traveling overseas, speaking the language is vital. Whole families frequently take language instruction in order to prepare for a transfer. Often forgotten, but just as important as language skill, is cultural orientation. One of the greatest difficulties transferees face when living in a foreign country is the host of unfamiliar traditions, customs, and social expectations.
Back to Basics offers sensitive preparation for your employees on foreign social etiquette, making their transition infinitely smoother.
e•Learning Compliance Training
Need video or online compliance training for your employees? Back to Basics can help you create the eLearning programs and compliance videos that your business needs.
We can help your company with customized sexual harassment education, diversity training, and a host of other compliance videos that meet federal and state regulations, in both English and Spanish. Our corporate education compliance service provides completion certificates and audit-ready reporting.
Schools, districts, state agencies and corporations all hire Back to Basics to teach English Language Learning (ELL) to their students and clients of all ages.
Along with ELL instruction, Back to Basics offers cultural coaching, since the ability to acclimate to new cultures is a key skill for international students, schools, and workplaces.
Technology today changes at the speed of light and those without the necessary skills are soon left behind. You can give your employees the skills they need to succeed with 1-on-1 instruction in popular computer programs, such as PowerPoint, Photoshop, Excel, Microsoft Word, and many more.
With crucial new computer skills, your employees will be both more productive and efficient.
Effective business communication is one of the most essential skills an employee can possess. The business climate of the 21st century is more complex than ever before, particularly for companies with a global focus.
If your employees could benefit from improved communications skills, 1-on-1 instruction on business writing at Back to Basics may be the answer. Your employees will learn to craft strong, targeted, professional documents that accurately communicate your company’s unique message.