Don’t Break the Bank! Why You Should Start Your College Scholarship Search in 9TH GRADE
Scholarships offer a perfect solution for many families. Unlike student loans, which must be repaid (with interest), scholarships are “free money” that students can earn through essay competitions, poetry recitations, high SAT or ACT scores, sports, activities, and of course, stellar grades.
Top 3 kid-friendly day trips in the Mid-Atlantic region for history buffs
Why should kids learn about American History? According to Peter Stearns of the American Historical Society, the reasons are many and include the fact that history: helps us understand people and societies, contributes to moral understanding, provides identity, is...How to earn a free book through B&N Summer Reading Program. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!
It’s that time again! The Barnes & Noble’s Summer Reading Program provides young readers the opportunity to earn a free book in three easy steps: 1. Read any eight books this summer and record them in the Summer Reading Journal (English or Español). 2. Bring...How to earn a high school Nationwide Volunteer Credit
Upon completion of 90 community service hours, Nationwide students receive a credit towards graduation displayed on their transcript. Here’s how to get started:
2018 GCTrader science and technology college scholarship essay prompt released
Students can enter the CGTrader Scholarship to win a $2000 scholarship for college education expenses, working toward a career in science and technology.