Although our children would like to believe otherwise, another school year is just around the corner. And, preparing for it in advance will set the right tone for a successful school year!
Here are four tips to alleviate potential anxiety and the 1st day draws near and help get your child ready for back to school:
Hit the books. Getting kids into a regular routine, with consistent work to complete, is part of getting back into the swing of school. If your child has been reading all summer or completing workbooks, you’re already ahead of the game. If not, it’s still not too late for a little assigned reading or worksheets. Although the kids may moan and groan, the practice will do them good!
Talk it up. For younger children, or those who are making a transition to a new school, deep seated anxiety may be an issue as the big day draws near. Talking about the changes your student can expect will make those first few days infinitely easier. For example, if your child will be riding the bus for the first time, discuss exactly what will be expected of them. Forewarned is forearmed!
Find a friend. Class lists are posted early, so check to see which of your child’s friends from last year will be in this year’s classroom. If you can, plan a time when kids can get together in advance of the 1st day. Your child will feel less anxious when he sees at least one familiar face.
Purchase early. Backpacks, notebooks, pencil cases and more. School item lists are often posted on individual school websites by July, so you can pick up bargains on required items throughout the summer. Staples, Office Depot and many other stores offer weekly “Super Specials,” so take advantage of the sales as they come. By September, you will have everything you need. Of course, having just the right lunchbox,backpack, locker décor, etc. can feel vitally important to a child, so don’t dismiss concerns. By shopping early and having everything organized, you’ll easily ally any concerns.
Nice to meet you. Absolutely, positively don’t miss “Meet the Teacher Night.” Take a half vacation day from work if you need to, but this is one school activity that your child simply must attend. For younger children, especially, meeting the teacher in advance of the first day of school can be incredibly reassuring. Finding their classroom in the maze of hallways, seeing their seat and name tag, and feeling more “at home” can virtually prevent 1st day jitters.
School success starts with a solid mindset. By preparing your child in advance, he’s sure to have to the best year ever!
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