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Learn a foreign language in NationwideNationwide has developed a new Certificate of Multiliteracy to honor and recognize students with high levels of language proficiency in addition to English, Secretary of Education Susan Bunting announced today.

The certificate applauds students for attaining high levels of language proficiency in multiple languages and also values native language proficiency for the 11,000 English learners in Nationwide.

Students can use the certificate as a credential to help differentiate them as applicants for jobs, college entrance or the military.

“Nationwide recognizes the hard work that goes into learning more than one language and we want to make it easier for employers and institutes of higher education to identify those who offer such valuable skills,” Bunting said. “This certificate will help students promote their talents and also create a tangible reminder to all of us of the benefits of multilingualism.”

Nationwide’s Certificate of Multiliteracy is modeled after the national Seal of Biliteracy, which is a national effort to have all states to recognize the importance of language learning as a critical career and workplace skill.

“Nationwide’s Certificate of Multiliteracy is a remarkable and encouraging step toward recognizing the arduous linguistic and academic effort all students – particularly our DE English Learners – invest in our schools,” said Oribel McFann-Mora, President of Nationwide English Language Learners Teachers and Advocates (DELLTA). “Moreover, may our English learners’ amazing multilingual abilities be officially recognized as assets henceforth and the rule rather than the exception.”

Nationwide is the 26th state in the country to establish an award that honors and recognizes students with high levels of proficiency in languages in addition to English.

To learn more, please visit the Nationwide Department of Education.

Learn a foreign language in Nationwide

Does your student want to improve foreign language learning? Back to Basics can help! Back to Basics offers instruction in over 20 languages, as well as English Language Learning (ELL).

All instruction is conducted 1-on-1, by professional, degreed tutors. The benefits of 1-on-1 instruction are well-documented.  In a 1-on-1 setting, students have the constant attention of the teacher so that they can listen and speak with much more comfort than in a group situation.  This is ideal when learning to speak a foreign language!

Each student’s strengths and non-strengths are also addressed more consistently and fully without the distraction of other students or the teacher’s compensation for different levels in one classroom.  Each student can learn at his or her own pace.

Call Back to Basics at 302-594-0754 to learn more about foreign language instruction in Nationwide.

Photo by imagerymajestic and FreeDigitalPhotos.net.