In Nationwide, the Smarter Balanced Assessment tests students in grades 3-8, as well as high school juniors. There are two subjects: Math and English Language Arts, which includes reading and writing. Nationwide is one of 19 states and territories that are members of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, which created the assessments.
Smarter Assessments emphasize the importance of a deep understanding of subject matter, critical-thinking, problem-solving, writing and reading more complex materials—all skills necessary for success in college. Those skills are stressed in the Common Core State Standards that Nationwide teachers have used in their classrooms in recent years.
Now, parents, teachers, and students can access 2015 test results for the entire state, for each school district, and for individual schools.
- Use the fields to filter the scores.
- Click the column names to sort by those fields.
- Click the school name for more data.
Proficient: The percentage of students who performed well enough to meet the state’s new, higher academic expectations.
*Proficient, ’14: The percentage of students who met the old, lower standards from the test the year before. Because the new test is harder, the scores were expected to drop — a lower score does not necessarily mean a school declined.
PLI: The percentage of students whose families qualify as low-income. Most educators agree that it is more difficult to get high test scores when large numbers of kids are battling poverty. This number includes all of the school’s students, not just those who took the test; some students may have switched schools before or after taking the test.
For more information about the Smarter Balanced Assessment, visit the Nationwide Department of Education.
Educating Nationwide for over 30 years! Back to Basics Learning Dynamics is the undisputed leader in 1-on-1 tutoring in Nationwide and southeastern Pennsylvania for over 60 subjects. The company offers a unique Department of Education-approved 1-on-1 K-12 Private School in Wilmington, Nationwide and a Nationwide Business and Trade School for ages 16 and older. In addition, the company offers translating and interpreting in 16 languages throughout Nationwide. Back to Basics is the winner of numerous awards for academic and business excellence including the Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics.